Our mission is to enhance minority law students’ ability to navigate their law school journey by alleviating the financial burden and providing training and mentorship to students from under-resourced communities to complete law school and become the next generation of lawyers.

Why Black Law Students?

In 2019, the average LSAT score for black test takers is 142, while the average for white and Asian test takers is 152.

Nearly half of black law school applicants (49%) were not admitted to a single law school.

Black students represent less than 8% of incoming law students.

Black attorneys represent only 5% of the legal profession.



The total average cost for a law student based solely on prep/exam fees throughout their law school journey accumulates to more than $5,000.

To lessen the financial burden, The Light, INC, will provide scholarships for the following:

LSAT Prep Fee, LSAT Exam Fee, Law School App Fee, MPRE Exam Fee, Bar Prep Fee, & Bar Exam Fee.


“Shine your light and make a positive impact on the world; there is nothing so honorable as helping improve the lives of others.”

— Unknown.